Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Wikis for Critical Thinking and Contextual Application."

The final Wiki project for the Human Performance Technology course is intended to evaluate student’s ability to analyze a design and provide opportunity to use their evaluation skills for redesign based on their understanding and application of course theories, concepts, and models.  Additionally, the project draws on student teamwork skills and provides an opportunity to work through the group decision-making process to potentially managing conflict, and prioritize tasks, set milestones, and arrive at group consensus on the final project redesign.

Wiki Collaboration Project:
MeddiWare designs custom software for small to medium size companies.  They focus their marketing efforts on international companies in the manufacturing industry that have specific software application needs.  In order to streamline their order-to-design process, MeddiWare want sales reps to capture all requirements during sales calls with clients.  One of your peers has asked you to review their evaluation plan (below):  Comment on the strengths and missed opportunities.
           Determine whether sales reps have the right skills for capturing 
    •      Define work processes and tools that sales reps will need to capture
    •    Design the training (if any)
    •        Pilot test the training with local sales reps only                       
    •        Track participant satisfaction with training
    •        Track whether or not sales reps submit requirements during 
          or just after sales calls

Using the Five Phase Evaluation Framework or any other HPT methodology as appropriate, your team is to identify a methodology for analysis, use the methodology to analyze the current design for strengths and gaps, create a redesign to address all the necessary requirements to train sales reps, and establish performance measures to evaluate redesign effectiveness and outcomes.
Nominal Group Technique
The template you will use to develop your Wiki page is a Nominal Group Technique.  Johnson & Johnson (2006) as cited in West & West (2009) stated that, “Nominal Group Technique is a systemic group decision-making method that follows a group through the phases of problem solving, idea generation, evaluation and ranking of solutions”(p. 95).  As you evaluate the design above you will need to make group decisions about the method you will use to analyze the design, generate ideas about gaps and strengths in the design, and make group decisions about each phase and what the new design should look like. Since there are numerous decisions that have to be made within each phase of your analysis, evaluation and construction of a new design, you will need to use a ranking system to prioritize your ideas and a voting process to establish group consensus on the final project. Your Wiki page will include the following Nominal Group Technique template. 

If your group chooses to use the Five-Phase Evaluation Framework, the phases are as follows:
Set the Goals
Analyze Performance Issues
Design Initiative
Sustaining Impact and Performance 

Problem or Question:
Given the information provided, what is the goal?

Idea Generation:
Here is where the group will brainstorm on the goal of the design.

Discussion and Clarification:
This section allows group members to ask questions of one another and get clarification regarding ideas presented in the section above.

Voting Round One:
In this phase you will vote on the ideas presented. West & West (2009) stated that, “in order to calculate the number of votes each student will have, take the number of ideas generated and divide by 3. This is called the N/3 method.”(p. 96). Students will place their initial beside the idea they wish to vote for and then the votes are tallied to rank the ideas.

Voting Round Two:
This round is optional and only used if there are a large number of ideas presented and can not be managed with one voting round.

Final Ranking:
This section allows the group to list the top idea or ideas depending on what the evaluation calls for.

Management Tips:
It is suggested that each member of the group use a coding system so the members know who provided input. Color-coding allows the group members to identify who contributed the ideas posted.

Note: Repeat the framework steps above for each Phase of the Evaluation

Wiki Project will be graded on the following criteria:
1.  Identification of the strengths and 
     gaps in the current design.
          2. Application of effective strategies and 
              performance measurements.
          3. Links to Course materials and additional
          4. Redesign supported by analysis and evaluation.
Collaboration & Teamwork
Presentation of content and logical flow of information

West, J.A. & West, M.L. (2009). Using Wiki for Online Collaboration: The Power of the Read-Write Web.  San Francisco: CA, Jossey-Bass. 


  1. I like the fact that you used an artifact to set the stage for your wiki project. A challenge that I have had to deal with when developing group projects is the amount of effort required to build the “stage setters” or artifacts. If you have a group that is used to functioning together and really gets into the project, there can be a significant level of detail required to get them going in the right direction. The nice thing about the wiki research projects is that much of the onus of developing the product is on the students, not the instructor.

  2. Hello Eileen,

    I had to read through your project closely a couple of times to begin to feel like I had a handle on it, not because of any perceived problem with your plan, but because both “Nominal Group Technique” and “Human Performance Technology” are intimidating and mysterious terms and concepts to the uninitiated (me).

    That said, for your students who are familiar with HPT processes, nominal group technique does seem very appropriate in your wiki scenario since it would “walk students through a highly structured, prescribed process” (West & West, 2009, p. 95) of “problem analysis, idea generation, evaluation, and ranking of solutions” (ibid).

    Not being familiar (or personally comfortable) with this kind of analysis (I shudder at the Orwellian overtones of “HPT”), I wonder: is it really possible for a collaborative group to apply something like the “Five-Phase Evaluation Framework” to the proposed six-phase evaluation plan of MeddiWare’s plan to streamline a multi-phased process? Darn! I’m lost again. Too many moving parts for my feeble brain!

    KSU Cuz


    West, J. A., & West, M. L. (2009). Using wikis for online collaboration: The power of the read-write Web. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  3. KSU cuz, thank you for your comments and I can appreciate your thoughts about HPT. It can be a daunting process so I have to teach this class in baby steps until the students get that "aha" moment about how it all fits together. The process is more important here than the product but I don't tell my students that :) I like the idea of working on a redesign in a group because it challenges students to look at varying perspectives and consider different ideas for each phase of the analysis. One correction I must mention is that the redesign is not to streamline the process but to address if the current design missed something that is critical in the design process. It is more about analyzing the current design and determining what needs to be added. Maybe my explanation is not clear and I need to take a closer look at it. :-/
